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Baltic Sea Report

En gång per år analyseras Östersjöländernas ekonomiska politik och dess konsekvenser. Rapporten fokuserar främst på de baltiska länderna och Sverige. Den vänder sig till dig med verksamhet i eller som har nära anknytning till Baltikum.

Även du som har samhällsekonomiskt intresse kan finna denna rapport intressant.

Baltic Sea Report: Heart-warming growth is a poor excuse to postpone reforms

2017 12 06
Growth at its cyclical peak
Productivity is the key to income convergence in the Baltics
Sustainable development – where do we stand?
Universal basic income – utopia or an urgent necessity?

Baltic Sea Report 2017

Baltic Sea Report: Half-hearted reforms will not raise competitiveness and boost growth

2016 12 08
Mind the risks to long-term growth
Exports hold the key to future growth in the Baltics
The services sector – stronger, smarter and more diversified

Baltic Sea Report 2016

Baltic Sea Report: Geopolitical challenges require closer collaboration

2015 12 02
Cooperate more to grow more
Income inequality and poverty: is a higher minimum wage the best answer?
Taxes in the Baltics: which way forward?

Baltic Sea Report 2015

Baltic Sea Report: Integrate. Compete. Grow... and repeat!

2014 12 03
In search of growth
Baltic Sea index: the region’s structural qualities have improved, but still much to do
FDI in the Baltics: weaker inflows, but growing investments abroad

Baltic Sea Report 2014

Baltic Sea Report: Integrate. Compete. Grow

2013 11 28
Growth in the region is set to improve after a weak 2013
Baltic Sea index: no gains in structural competitiveness
Reform push is needed to build competitiveness and growth

Baltic Sea Report 2013